[Projekt] Der heimische Server/Schrank (2017-2023)

Jeder IT´ler oder zumindest der, der sich so schimpfen möchte, kennt es, irgendwann reicht einem der PC am Schreibtisch nichtmehr ganz. Ob’s die kleine eigene Cloud werden soll, der Fernzugriff auf die privaten Daten oder nur die kleine Überwachungskamera. Irgendwann muss ein Server für Zuhause her. Viele behelfen sich mit einem Raspberry Pi, einer kleinen … Read more

[Debian] User for Tunneling

You need to connect to a VM behind NAT? Than use a Tunnel! But wait!? What if your friends needs also access? Create a User for only Tunnel! adduser <username> and after that, make sure he cant use the shell usermod -s /bin/true <username> and done! bye 🙂

[Debian] Ramdisk for moar speeed! (English)

Remember the days in which you created ramdisks in DOS back in the 80s? Well, those days still exist. Debian creates a ramdisk every time you start the operating system and it’s not reserved as an exclusive system function. You can create as many of them as you have RAM for. Personally, I have 64GB … Read more

[Proxmox 4] Subscription popup removal (English)

After installing Proxmox 4 you’ll probably encounter a popup with the following: You do not have a valid subscription for this server. Please visit www.proxmox.com to get a list of available options. If you don’t have a subscription this pop-up can be quite annoying so here’s how to remove it: sed -i.bak “s/data.status !== ‘Active’/false/g” … Read more